Unfortunately Claire had some very bad news last month. Her boss' little 4 month old daughter died of cot death which was a terrible tragedy for her family, friends and of course all the workers at New Brighton Community Preschool who had met and fallen in love with wee Milly. Claire felt very honoured to be asked to speak at Milly's funeral - which was not referred to as a funeral but as a celebration of her precious, short life - and was very brave and strong and managed to get through it alright. My heart goes out to Milly's parents - I just don't know how you would start to get over something like that. Perhaps you never really do.
A couple of weeks ago Paula, Claire and I went fancy dress shopping for Paula's upcoming work dress up party. The theme is Moulan Rouge meets Rocky Horror Picture Show. Lots of scope there for some saucy outfits. Paula chose a really nice 'madams' outfit complete with bustle. It looked really good. She said Kazio has yet to choose something. I have my fingers crossed for the suspender/corset/fishnet ensemble!

I managed to escape for a weekend to Queenstown a few weeks ago. I nabbed some cheap tickets way back in October for $62 return which I was stoked about. This was only my second time flying into Queenstown and it was as breathtaking as I remember - so close to the mountains. All the other times I have driven in.
It was a great weekend and nice to not have the thought of that long drive back home in the back of my mind. Although it is a lovely drive, it is very long.

Catkin's birthday had been the day before I arrived so Gavin took her out for dinner on the Saturday night and I got to babysit. All by myself. Although Annabelle was in bed by the time G&C left so I didn't get to poke and prod her like I had planned. Ha!
We had a lovely brunch and walk out at Jack's Point before I had to be at the airport on Sunday afternoon. It was a really great, relaxing weekend.
Bob and Sue Bowley arrived in Christchurch last Saturday after two weeks in Wellington staying with Andrew, Jen, and Harrison Bowley. For those who don't know Andrew is Catkin's brother. We picked them up from the train station and took them into town to where they were staying. Now, Claire had offered them a room at Roxy Inn BUT the message sent to them on Facebook never showed in their email account so by the time we got another message to them they had already booked a nights accommodation is the CUTEST little (quite big actually) boutique hotel opposite the Arts Centre in the city. While they were sorting out their room and freshening up Claire and I snooped and chatted to the lady manager and told her we would like to move in. I think she thought we were joking. It was beautiful. Things that you don't really see when you actually live in a city.
We then marched quickly across the road to the Dux De Lux for a nice glass of wine. Well deserved after the travellers had been in transit most of the day.
Claire and I had an inkling that Bob and Sue might just be hanging out for a big steak meal as Andrew and Jen live on a fairly strict diet of fresh air and Evian. So we went to Oscar's Steak House. Mmmmm... it was good. It was a really enjoyable evening. Good company, good food, good conversation.
The following morning I had signed up to walk the 12km City To Surf 'fun run'. Now, that is an oxymoron if ever I heard one! A group of us from work did it - some running, some walking. I walked with Heather, our receptionist at work, and we managed a good pace and a time of 2 hours 2 minutes and 39 seconds which I was pretty chuffed about. When we got to the end the runners had already finished nearly an hour before us so had the wine chilled and the bbq cooking. It pays to be slow sometimes. Proceeds went to the Heart Foundation too which is a mighty good cause.
Ooh and I just noticed there is a new follower on board. Everyone put your hands together and welcome Courtney to the elite group. Haeremai Courtney.