Sunday, December 25, 2011
Merry Christmas!
Friday, December 23, 2011
Waiting Room Etiquette
So the couple already waiting let me know that the receptionist hadn't arrived yet so I said thanks, grabbed a Next magazine (great reading, btw) and sat down. Not long after the receptionist arrives, along with another lady. New lady looks around, and reports in for her appointment. I get up, leaving my magazine and bag where they are so I can report in for my appointment. When I turn around to go back to my seat New Lady has sat right where I was sitting!! Now, correct me if I am wrong BUT if you see someone has been sitting somewhere AND have left their stuff there would you not sit somewhere else?? There is another 18 metres of seating available!!! Or am I being a bit finicky?
People need to learn these Waiting Room Rules before they visit such places. (or at least if they plan to visit the places I visit).
That is all.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
So Close......

Thursday, December 1, 2011
Party Party Party!!!
Renee, Claire, and I got our thinking caps on and organised a great night away up in Hanmer Springs. We told Averil we were going to Las Vegas and all she would need was her passport, toothbrush, and sleeping bag. She kind of caught on after we bypassed the airport and started heading North.
She also had to get everyone's attention in the restaurant, tell them she was getting married in her loudest, school teacher voice, and start the applause. For some reason I thought this one was particularly hilarious. After dinner we went to the Monteiths Bar where we met up with a stag party and played beer pong with them while they fashioned a head piece out of the Henny Fanny. It was a fun night and the best bit was that no one felt ill the next day!
Afterwards I met up with some guys I met at the Horse & Trap Tavern BEFORE I went overseas - many years ago now. Nic worked behind the bar with me while Campbell and Matty helped hold up the bar on the other side. As soon as I arrived I informed them it wasn't going to be a big night as I had to get up early to catch the Naked Bus (clothing preferred) up to Warkworth the following morning.... and proceeded to immediately forget soon after having my first glass of wine! We had a great old time, catching up and talking crap. I didn't roll into Kathryn's until about 2am and she had to wake me in the morning as I had
Arriving in Warkworth is always like coming home to me. Krissy and baby Wills were at the bus stop to pick me up for a roadie up to Whangarei. Rachael had the day off work so we headed up as it was her son, Rihley's 6th birthday. Fun! He had about 7 friends to play after school and they spent most of the time on the Slip & Slide with Dad, Dean, being the hose holder and occassionally spraying the kids. With a good dose of dish washing liquid it was hilarious. They loved it.
Then there was birthday cake. Yum. I had been in charge of the party food while Rachael went to pick the kids up from school and I managed to burst the skin off every single cocktail sausage except one. Epic fail. They just looked like boring, tiny sausages. The kids didn't seem to mind too much once they smothered them in tomato sauce.
William managed to woo all the ladies who thought he was just gorgeous which, of course, he is. He's a wee charmer, that boy.
Krissy, Wills, and I stayed the night up there and then headed back to Warkworth on Saturday morning.
Saturday afternoon at Mum and Dad's in Warkworth was the place to be! Kathryn and Moos had their engagement party with great friends, lovely family, and even a cake lovingly made by Mumsy. It was a lovely afternoon with bbq and yummy food (actually I'm getting hungry now writing this just thinking about all that yummy food!)
It was a really lovely afternoon.
After everyone left we got to watch Kathryn and Moos open their presents. Lots of really nice things from really nice people.
Later on we had a game of charades. Averil's charade for 'Jesus Christ Superstar' by outstretching her arms for each word was classic. Every other charade of hers seemed to have a lion involved which again, she portrayed well. Hilarious!
Always fun times and laughter when we're together.
For Averil's 30th she decided to have a party with an 'A' theme. The costumes were brilliant! There were 3 angels, an aristocrat, Aristotle, an arab, an airhostess, an air traffic controller, Andrew Mehrtens, an aftershock, an Asian, an agent, an artist, an Anglo Saxon, 3 All Blacks, an anethetist, an army soldier, Aphrodite, and an alcoholic. I think I got them all. It was a great night and Averil launched into her 30's in aristocratic style.
I don't know who moved the date for Christmas forward but last time I checked I had 6 weeks to go and all of a sudden it's NEXT WEEKEND! Eeek! I'm not quite ready BUT should be by the end of this weekend. Christmas is in Christchurch this year and Mum and Dad are driving down next week. They are staying with me for 10 days before they move into a holiday home just around the corner for the new year and Averil and Eru's wedding. The Southern Barts will stay with Claire and Scott as they have two spare rooms so it makes sense. And Kathryn and Moos will stay with Averil and Eru. It worked out well for us all getting into our own places before Christmas! My place is 7 minutes walk (that's at my pace - Mum will probably make it there in 2.5 minutes!) away from Roxy Inn so Mum can dash around there for cuddles with her grandaughters first thing in the morning without having to wait for me and Dad to get ready. Dad takes forever with his hair!
Ooh exciting news - my little friend Swayze up in Whangarei has purchased her first home all by herself. I take my hat off to her as it's not an easy task to do it on a single wage. Way to go Swayze - I can't wait to come up and toast to your achievement on your new deck!
Monday, November 14, 2011
Where'd October Go?
Right, let me think back.....
I had a night in Queenstown at the beginning of October. Originally, apart from going to visit the Southern Barts, I was going to present an Intimo party for Catkin. But the Friday night before I arrived Catkin had been up all night with a vomitting Hazel so we decided the LAST thing she needed was a house full of people to host. I was quite happy just hanging out with Annabelle for the afternoon. Hazel, Catkin, and Gavin all had a touch of the bug so Annabelle and I blew bubbles, watered the garden, and went to the playground. I LOVED it! Hopefully she did too. Aunty Paparazzi was out in style but I do feel Annabelle needs to work on her photo smile. Everytime I said 'smile' she screwed up her cute little face in what she thinks is a smile. More like a grimace to me! Still gorgeous though.
I've moved. Yippeeee! It all happened very quickly. I saw a place on Trade Me that I liked, went and had a look, signed up and then moved in all within 9 days. Lucky for me Mum and Dad happened to be coming down for a few days and it worked in beautifully with my moving date. I don't know what I would have done without them. Averil was on school holidays so very kindly helped as well and Claire was home from work so made us a yummy lunch. Thanks to everyone for all their help.
I LOVE my new place. A two storey, two bedroom town house with a little courtyard out the back. Very spacious for such a small place. I am really happy here. I haven't met my neighbours yet but did get woken up last weekend by what sounded like an argument next door. It was all very muffled but didn't sound friendly. Other than that I don't see or hear the neighbours much.... except the guy on the other side who plays death metal with heavy base in the weekends....... great.
I caught up with ex-boyfriend Lance a few weeks ago too, before I moved. Averil had just picked me up from the airport after I flew back from my night in Queenstown and we were having a nice cup of tea at home when he turned up. He had mentioned ages ago that when he was in Chch next he would bring a few boxes of wine down for Averil and Eru's wedding. Well 'a few' boxes was actually 7 boxes of wine. Very, very kind and very, very generous. He's a good one. With two more weddings next year I don't think I was the only one wishing things could have worked out differently between us.
Intimo was pretty quiet in October. I had two parties which both did quite well, but with packing and moving and parties and travelling and visitors I was just too busy!
I did, however, manage to set up a few for November so am pleased about that.
I was offered a booking from my team leader who was booked up and couldn't fit it in so agreed to it not knowing that it was for a fashion parade for a clothes shop in Lincoln! I was asked to talk for about 20 minutes on the benefits of wearing a good fitting bra. It was fair to say I was a little nervous and needed a couple of wines beforehand for Dutch courage. The evening went well although I think I only actually talked for about 12 minutes but did get a sale and gave out quite a few business cards to interested ladies. Averil came with me (bless her) and handed out chocolates to bribe the audience. I think I was running on adrenaline (and wine) because I don't remember what I said but do remember laughter in the right places so that was good. Talk about getting thrown in the deep end! All good experience though.
Claire and Scott had their Christchurch engagement party in October too which was the main reason for Mum and Dad's visit. It was at the Yaldhurst Tavern, in the function room and was a really great night. There was a good crowd, the food was yummy, and the drinks were reasonably priced. The perfect combination for a good night out. It was really nice to see Uncle Albie and Aunty Lorraine, and Aunty Bev there as well (Dad's Aunties and Uncle).
The following day Mum, Claire, Averil, Kathryn and I went wedding dress shopping for Claire. I think it's fair to say I wasn't the only one feeling a little bit second hand. But we had a good day and Claire tried on heaps of dresses and managed to narrow it down to colour and style. She looked gorgeous in every single one, of course. Can't wait to see you in your hot pink meringue dress, Claire (wink wink).
Mum, Dad, and Averil left on Sunday morning to drive to Queenstown to stay with the Southern Barts. Unfortunately Averil was hit with the stomach bug on the Monday and was due to drive home by herself on Wednesday. She managed it alright but was very exhausted when she finally arrived back in Christchurch. Then Mum too got the bug for a few days before they flew home on the Saturday. Lucky they were staying with a nurse!
My Japanese penpal, Sayaka Enomoto came to NZ for 2 and a half weeks in October. She managed to fit in a weekend in Christchurch and it was so lovely to see her again. On the Friday after she arrived we went out for dinner with Claire, Scott, Averil and Eru. Even though I only had a salad and one piece of pizza I was VERY full and Sayaka and I were home and in our pyjamas by 9pm. We are middle aged ladies, after all.
On Saturday Averil and Eru shifted from Roxburgh Street over to a nice 3 bedroom house in Linwood. Sayaka and I were on lunch duty so took that around for the workers and had a tour of the house. It's a really great house and I think Averil and Eru will be very happy there.
On the Sunday night I had a House Warming/Konnichiwa Sayaka/Rugby World Cup Final party. Those who wanted to came early and we had a shared meal and then the rugby was on. The All Blacks won - for those who have been living under a rock for the past month - and we celebrated in style. We played a wee game during the match - I chose Richie McCaw and everytime his name was mentioned I had to drink. What a stupid game - I was drinking every five seconds!!! It was a fun night with great food and good people.
Monday was Labour Day so was a public holiday and I had to say sayonara to Sayaka at the airport for her midday flight.
Averil and I had another weekend in Auckland at the end of October. We had booked tickets to the Meatloaf concert in Auckland on the Saturday night so had one night in Warkworth beforehand. It just so happened that Sayaka was flying in to Auckland that same night so she came up to Warkworth with us for the night and got to meet Mum and Dad again after something like 22 years.
I went to see Krissy and baby Wills on Saturday morning for about 3 hours. Time just flew - it felt like I had just arrived and it was time to leave again. Babies are such time wasters! Gorgeous though.
We headed back to Auckland on Saturday afternoon and dropped off Sayaka on the North Shore before invading Kathryn and Moos' house for the night. Kathryn very kindly dropped us off in town for the concert. I have to say it was a little disappointing. Meatloaf just doesn't have the voice anymore. He struggled. Nevertheless, Averil and I were singing our hearts out anyway. The back up singers and the band were absolutely brilliant. And we still had a great time.
Unfortunately after returning from a great weekend in Auckland, I came home to a leaking hot water cylinder. There were drips coming through the ceiling in the dining room for who knows how long so the carpet was quite damp. I called the property manager who called the plumber who called me and then came around within the hour - now that's service! The cylinder had to be ordered in and replaced which was done on Wednesday. So only 3 days with a leaking ceiling.
A good result.
And THAT was our October, in a nutshell.
Tune in next week for a recount of Averil's Henny!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
From Boxes to Briefs
Then it was up to Auckland on Thursday for an Intimo field meeting and a party for Kathryn, Mum, and my friend in Warkworth. Phew!! Busy busy.
Averil and Claire have been my biggest cheerleaders and I really don't think I could have done it without them. Their support and help has been my most valuable business tool. Much love to you both. xx
Averil flew up to Auckland on Friday night so was in WW for the weekend too. We were both very busy AND important and it must have felt like Mum & Dad had teenagers in the house again - borrowing the car and getting dropped off and picked up.
I got to meet 4 week old Wills (Krissy and Derek Letchers wee boy) who, can I just say, is GORGEOUS. And I'm not just saying that because I am Mummy 2. He has very fair hair and is a thirsty little fella. He had dressed up in his little 'My First World Cup' onesie to meet me. Bless. Gorgeous gorgeous. Krissy and Derek both look fantastic and are loving being first time parents. As am I (he he). Jack the cat apparently has changed into a smoochy loving cat too but keeps his distance from the new addition.
I'm still keeping an eye out for a new place to live. I saw an add for a two bedroom flat on the internet yesterday which described it's positive aspects then stated 'Shower and parking on the road.' Hmmmm... that's a 'No' from me.
AND we have a new follower to the Roxy Review. Kylee is a Kiwi who married an American and now lives in Phoenix, Arizona, USA. And is expecting a wee boy in December (I hope I've got my dates right)Kylee and I first met when we worked part time together at The Horse & Trap bar in Auckland before we both headed overseas for our big OE's. During that time we had a lot of laughs one in particular being at the expense of the Tongan bouncer every Friday night coming up to the bar asking for a 'Bannable Chutse' (pineapple juice). It's become a common saying between us which can mean almost anything but is generally used for a welcome or for signing off. So I hope you will all join me in sending Kylee a great big BANNABLE CHUTSE!
Thursday, September 8, 2011
I Do's & Baby Blues
It was also A Mary's 70th birthday so the family up in Warkworth went out to lunch to celebrate. I wish I could have been there too. I suffer from FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) so was eager to hear everyone's account of the day AND see photos. It sounded like a really great day.

Getting ready for my first Intimo presentation tomorrow night at Averil's has been keeping me pretty busy. I just have a few things to do after netball tonight and then I will be as ready as I'll ever be. I'm not feeling too nervous... unless I think about it and then I get the cold sweat, the racing heart, and the feeling of nausea in my stomach, but other than that I'm all good to go..
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Feeling The Fear And Doing It Anyway

Monday, July 25, 2011
Wishes DO Come True!
A very exciting day in Christchurch today - well, for me anyway. It was my first Snow Day (day off work because of snow). I've been waiting 5 1/2 long years for this day and it finally arrived. I was up at 6.15am for a normal day of work and had my shower before I got a text from my supervisor saying to stay home as the roads were dangerous. He didn't have to tell me twice! I got straight back into my pyjamas. Then, after taking some photos out of the kitchen door, I had to wait - like a kid at Christmas - for my flatmates Belinda and Toby to get up so they would come outside and help me make a snow man. So much fun was had!! Our snow 'lady' (as it turned out) looked RIDICULOUS but it was a good time building her. Toby even gave her some boobs. And we had a snowball fight AND I made a snow angel. I was SO excited. The rest of the day was spent keeping warm and staring out the window at the falling snow. Amazing.
On the first Friday night there Averil came out for dinner/pyjama party/wine/NZ Next Top Model/sleepover. It was great. I made a couple of vegetarian pizzas which, can I just say, were delish! And we ate chocolate with our cups of tea. Fun times!