Then I had a lovely visit from Rachael and her daugher Alexis on Sunday all the way from Whangarei. Such a great day catching up with them even though it was raining and hailing outside. Always guaranteed a good laugh with Rachael - she's like chicken soup for my soul!
Averil also had 4 days in Warkworth during her school holidays and had a great time. She had a couple of fittings for her wedding dress which apparently she is VERY happy with. I can't WAIT to see her in it on her special day in January. I know she will look absolutely gorgeous.
Kathryn turned another year older on 30th July. Unfortunately she was full of the flu but Mum, Dad, and Averil went to Auckland to celebrate over a birthday lunch with her and Moos before Averil flew back home. And they even took a birthday cake for her. Bless.
I have decided to start looking for a place of my own to rent. I absolutely love living with Belinda but think it's time to get my own place and have my own stuff around me. It's proving a little more difficult than first thought though - a lot of the places available are over the East side of town which was hit hardest by the quakes AND they are further away from work. Ideally I would like a 2 bedroom place in roughly the same area I am in now - half way between work and the girls. Somewhere warm and cosy. There's no hurry so I can take my time to find the perfect place.

Big scary news: I have gone ahead and signed up to become a lingerie consultant for Intimo. I launch in September so am excited and nervous. The support of other Intimo consultants in my team has been amazing though so I feel ready... ish. I still have a few things to complete before I feel completely competant. And I have to remember to keep breathing through the panic attacks! My first party is on Friday 2nd September. Eek!
We had a lovely visit from Moos last Monday night. He flew to Christchurch for work and stayed the night at Roxy Inn before heading to Invercargill the following day. It was good to catch up with him.
And today and yesterday the whole of Christchurch has come to a stand still due to more snow. This week was worse than two weeks ago. Yesterday was bitterly cold with snow, rain, and hail. Brrrr! Today is slightly warmer but has been snowing this morning. I haven't even ventured outside this time. It's far warmer in my bed!