Saturday, December 29, 2012
Thursday, December 13, 2012
In Other News.....
After finally adding photos and publishing my last post, I already need to update again on all the other stuff that's been going on 'round these here parts.
Now, let me think..... ah yes, so I had a crochet lesson with our friend Lynnie a wee while ago. I'm not very gifted in woolcraft so Lynnie had her work cut out for her (I've never really got that saying - if your work is already cut out, wouldn't that make it easier? Apparently not). I managed to make a baby's hat. There are a few 'bubbles' and a 'vent hole' in the top but other than that it's perfect! Lucky old Claire and Scott were gifted it. I bet they are so pleased. Ha ha. Not surprisingly, I haven't seen Quinn wear it yet. Crocheting is a lot harder than it looks.
Now, let me think..... ah yes, so I had a crochet lesson with our friend Lynnie a wee while ago. I'm not very gifted in woolcraft so Lynnie had her work cut out for her (I've never really got that saying - if your work is already cut out, wouldn't that make it easier? Apparently not). I managed to make a baby's hat. There are a few 'bubbles' and a 'vent hole' in the top but other than that it's perfect! Lucky old Claire and Scott were gifted it. I bet they are so pleased. Ha ha. Not surprisingly, I haven't seen Quinn wear it yet. Crocheting is a lot harder than it looks.
My Intimo business has been ticking along nicely. For the past few months I've been doing quite a few parties out in Springfield/Darfield/Sheffield area which have been very successful. My first party out there was my personal best with just over $2000 in sales! Result! There are a lovely group of ladies out there - very welcoming and friendly. And really nice community feeling. I have another one out there next month. which will be about my 8th.
I also qualified for the Intimo Melbourne conference during November which I am quite proud of. $32,500 in sales since 1st January gets me a trip to the 1 day conference in Melbourne. They are really good fun and informative apparently so I'm looking forward to it. I also receive a box of 50, yes, 50! ex-boutique items to use as hostess incentives and gifts which I am REALLY looking forward to opening.
I was lucky enough to receive free tickets to the Rugby in August. It was Canterbury vs Auckland (I think!). Averil came with me as my + one and we had a great time. We also got a meal and drinks before the game. The actual game was a bit boring, and there was no Richie to swoon over, but Averil won a signed jersey so we were pretty happy about that. Something a bit different for a week night.
At the end of August Averil and Eru had their housewarming. It was a great evening with some of their neighbours there too. AND a new addition to the family was 8 week old Hippo - a Boxer/Lab cross puppy. Sooooo cute and sooooo little. I didn't even notice him for the first 10 minutes as he was fast asleep on his bed. Plum tuckered out from all the excitement!!
Claire snuck in a birthday too. The day before a group of about 12 of us went out to the Raspberry Cafe for lunch before going daffodil picking at Hadstock Gardens in Leeston. Fill your own bucket for $10 - bargain!! Averil and I shared a bucket and got HEAPS of daffodils. I took a bunch to work the next day to brighten up the office. It's funny how people smile and liven up when they see flowers.
In September we threw a baby shower for Claire. Mum, Kathryn, Catkin, and the girls made the trip to Chch for the weekend to join in the celebrations. It was a great afternoon - we managed to sit outside under the gazebo and have a high-tea with cups and saucers and everything. It was a nice way to spend the afternoon. I hosted the Southern Bart ladies and LOVED it. Waking up at 6am on a Saturday wasn't so bad having little people there to entertain. (or did they entertain me?)
Our Tall Poppies Intimo team had a stand at the Women's Expo this year in October. Two full days - so we had a 2 hour slot each day to tend the stand. One of our consultants from Rotorua came down and I hosted her. I had met her a couple of times before and we got on like a house on fire! Lots of laughs and wine drinking (when we weren't working) it was much fun!
I managed to get 12 leads for bookings so it was well worth it. Gillian made a sale and got a good idea of how to do her Rotorua stall for next year.
Richie McCaw's autobiography, 'The Open Side', came out in October and he had book signings all over Christchurch. This was my chance! So, with Averil as my wingman, we went to The Warehouse, Blenheim Road, at 11.15am to let him meet me. Unfortunately so did about 2000 other people.
Now, my plan was to meet him, tell him my name, and get a photo with him. THEN I was going to unleash the Tap & Turn on him (ask him to kiss me on the cheek and then turn at the last minute so he actually gets my lips - an oldie, but a goodie!) but as it turned out he was signing only. No photos. No personalised messages in the book. Just signing. That foiled plan A so we had to quickly move to plan B which in my mind went like this:
RM - Hi. How are you?
DB - Good thank you Richie. My name is Danielle. It's lovely to meet you.
But in reality went a little something like this:
RM - Hi. How are you?
DB - Good thanks.... (giggle giggle giggle)
The end
BUT we then went with plan B2. Seeing as we had followed the car carrying the Mighty McCaw into the car park on our arrival, we knew which one was his SO I popped one of my Intimo business cards under the window wiper so he can call me.
..... and a little girl waits....
Also in October Claire, Scott and I got invited to an Intimo colleague's engagement party. Averil and Eru were also invited but were away for the weekend. Claire very kindly offered to be our sober driver (being that she is off the booze while growing a baby - very handy!). When we arrived and read the poster on the door we realised that it wasn't an engagement party as we had been told but a WEDDING party! Maria and Sachin had secretly got married at her Dad's house during the day. I was blown away. What a great surprise! I was absolutely honoured to have been invited and SO pleased I had taken a present. Phew! It was a great night. I think I was in shock for most of the night. Good shock. They have been together for about 12 years and only got engaged about 3 months ago but are off to live in Goa where Sachin is from, next year so wanted to get married before they went. Unfortunately none of Sachin's family could make it over for the wedding but I am SURE there will be some celebrations when they get to Goa.
Mum and Dad came down for a weekend in November to meet their new Grandson when he was just 10 days old. Dad seemed quite impressed with how quiet Quinn was. It was only a quick trip but so lovely to see them again.
Averil also turned another year older on 27th November so we had a little pre birthday dinner for her on the Saturday while Mum and Dad were down, and then another one on her actual birthday. Hopefully she felt spoilt and loved. xx
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
First Equal Equal Best Wedding Of The Year!
Yes, I know, Kathryn and Moo's wedding was well over a month ago. And yes, I know I should have updated a LOT sooner. But, can I just say, it was a fantastic day!
Kathryn looked absolutely gorgeous and Moos scrubbed up pretty well too.
The morning was raining which is never good for a brides nerves on her outdoor wedding day. But someone must have been watching over us as the rain stopped for the ceremony and after drink/nibbles, and then started again once we were on on our way to the reception.
The reception was FUN! They had hired a photo booth which was the most fun I'd had in AGES (clearly I need to get out more). The DJ was awesome. Everyone looked to be having a brilliant time AND I caught the bouquet!! That's right, I'm next!! (Unless Annabelle beats me up the alter - which is actually looking quite likely). Dear Uncle Bryan came up to me afterwards and said he wanted to be the first to congratulate me. Ha ha. Bless.
The whole night was a blast. Thanks Kitten and Moos for having such a great excuse for us all to get together again and throwing a fantastic party! xx
I'll let the photos tell the beautiful story.....
Kathryn looked absolutely gorgeous and Moos scrubbed up pretty well too.
The morning was raining which is never good for a brides nerves on her outdoor wedding day. But someone must have been watching over us as the rain stopped for the ceremony and after drink/nibbles, and then started again once we were on on our way to the reception.
The reception was FUN! They had hired a photo booth which was the most fun I'd had in AGES (clearly I need to get out more). The DJ was awesome. Everyone looked to be having a brilliant time AND I caught the bouquet!! That's right, I'm next!! (Unless Annabelle beats me up the alter - which is actually looking quite likely). Dear Uncle Bryan came up to me afterwards and said he wanted to be the first to congratulate me. Ha ha. Bless.
The whole night was a blast. Thanks Kitten and Moos for having such a great excuse for us all to get together again and throwing a fantastic party! xx
I'll let the photos tell the beautiful story.....
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Welcome To The World, Wee Man
I'm so very, very proud and happy to announce that Claire and Scott became parents to Quinn Lethaby yesterday and 5.50pm. Quinn weighed in at 6lb9oz and is absolutely gorgeous!
Claire did an amazing job and Scott looks as pleased as punch.
Averil and I, being the doting Aunties, went up to the hospital after work to sit and wait and could hear the effort Claire was making. It sounded like a LOT of hard work. We were silently cheering her on and then gave out a big 'Whoop whoop' when we heard the baby cry. Such an exciting time for us. Such an exhausting time for the parents!
We were delighted and honoured to get to meet Quinn when he was less than an hour old. He is perfect! So small, and so beautiful. He slept the whole time while cuddling with his Aunties.
So proud of you Claire - you are a star!!
Claire did an amazing job and Scott looks as pleased as punch.
Averil and I, being the doting Aunties, went up to the hospital after work to sit and wait and could hear the effort Claire was making. It sounded like a LOT of hard work. We were silently cheering her on and then gave out a big 'Whoop whoop' when we heard the baby cry. Such an exciting time for us. Such an exhausting time for the parents!
We were delighted and honoured to get to meet Quinn when he was less than an hour old. He is perfect! So small, and so beautiful. He slept the whole time while cuddling with his Aunties.
So proud of you Claire - you are a star!!
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Gavin The Grey(t)
August went by in a blur! I know I keep saying it but I can't believe how fast this year is flying by. It's almost scary.
Old Man Gav turned 40 on 24th August so, being the sneaky sneakster I am I organised a trip down to surprise him for his birthday. He already knew that Mum and Dad were flying in but what he didn't know was that Kathryn was flying with them, Claire and I were driving from Christchurch, and Averil was flying down the following morning.
Being a guy who has everything, we had to put on our thinking caps for what to get Gavin for his milestone birthday. With the help of Catkin's brilliant ideas we came up with a hot air balloon flight over Queenstown, for Gavin to take when it suits, and their Camelriders blog published into a book. Result! It all came together nicely and I think Gavin liked them both.
On the Saturday night Catkin and Gavin had organised for Hazel to be christened which we were all very pleased to be able to witness. It poured with rain but luckily it didn't affect any plans we had. Hazel was so good through her christening - she hardly made a peep.
Both girls were as gorgeous as ever and we sang and read books for most of Saturday. (When I say 'we' I mean 'I'). It was great just hanging out with the Southern Barts. As always.
Averil and I set off for the long drive home on Sunday morning, diving via the airport to drop Kathryn off for her flight on the way. We stopped in at Twizel to visit Eru's sister who is nearly due to have a little baby girl. We made it back to Christchurch safe and sound, and a little weary, around 4pm.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
What To Expect When You're Expecting
Name: Claire Lethaby

Age: 32
Week Number: 26
Due Date: 20th November
Baby Size: 20-something centimetres in length
Morning Sickness: None
Movement: Lots! Particularly at night and in the morning when still in bed
Symptoms: Sore legs, sore feet. Nearly has an outie! (belly button)
Diet: Remembering to eat little and often as there isn't much room for food in there
Weight gain: 8kgs
Cravings: Chocolate milkshakes and milk drinks
Exercise: None - just getting through the day is enough!
Sleep: Pretty disturbed with toilet time
Milestones: Having scans in 3D and getting a photo was awesome!
Can't live without: Stretchy waisted maternity jeans - everyone should have some!
What you miss: Ham sandwiches
What you're looking forward to: Ham sandwiches! Oh, and meeting baby, and finding out his/her sex.
Best Pregnancy Advice: Listen to your body - rest when you need to. Don't worry about what the books say they can be scary!
Any Mood Swings: NO!!! WHY!!!! Shut up!!!!! Emotional sometimes before 15 weeks
Work: The more sleep the night before the better

During your 26th week of pregnancy, your baby-to-be opens her eyes for the first time. She'll open and shut her eyes as she gets used to her new ability. Your little one is still on the small side. Her body may look fully formed on the outside, but inside there's fine-tuning taking place, including her lungs and her brain. Your unborn baby still has some growing to do!
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Happy Henny Kitty!
On Friday night Claire, Averil, and I flew up to Auckland for the weekend for Kathryn's Hens Party on Saturday night. Kathryn very kindly picked us up from the airport and let us borrow her new car - a birthday present from Moos - to get up to Warkworth for the night. Bless her.

Warkworth never changes much, which is fine by me. It's always so nice to go back to familiar surroundings. And to get Mum hugs.
The plan was to head back to Auckland after lunch on the Saturday and spend a few hours with Kathryn before her Henny started at 5pm. So, making good use of my time, I went and visited the Letchers (Kristine, Derek, and William) for the morning. William will be 1 on 14th August so we had a little pre-birthday morning tea. He is just delicious and SO content and cuddly. I love him. I always think that first birthday parties are more for the parents to say 'Phew! We made it through the first year!' They are having a family lunch for him this Sunday. It was a lovely morning just sitting, chatting, and drinking cups of tea.
So on our drive down to Auckland we had to pick up a box of stuff that Kathryn's bridesmaids had prepared for her to wear for the night. She looked BRILLIANT! They did a really good job of organising the whole thing. Mum, A Mary, Heather, and Lynne Rosandich (Krystle, one of the bridesmaid's, Mum) arrived about an hour after us so we all had a glass of wine and got Kathryn dressed for her night out.

We met the others at the wharf in the Auckland Viaduct at 5pm and off we went on a chartered boat for 4 hours of games, dancing, eating, drinking and FUN. It was a really great night out on the water. Everyone had a great time and again, the bridesmaids (Nicky and Krystle) had done such a great job of organising. The boat even had a juke box - I LOVE juke boxes!
We met the others at the wharf in the Auckland Viaduct at 5pm and off we went on a chartered boat for 4 hours of games, dancing, eating, drinking and FUN. It was a really great night out on the water. Everyone had a great time and again, the bridesmaids (Nicky and Krystle) had done such a great job of organising. The boat even had a juke box - I LOVE juke boxes!
After arriving back at the wharf Mum & co headed back to Warkworth while we carried on at a bar in Auckland viaduct. We all got given a sheet of stickers that we had to hand out during the night with things like 'Worst Dancer', 'Best Pecs', 'Biggest Nerd', 'Nicest Eyes'. Silly but still funny. Claire, Averil, and I left around midnight to head back to Kathryn's where we were staying. And Kathryn got in about an hour after us... I think.... I was fast asleep!
On Sunday we lazed around all day while Moos (Alan) cooked us breakfast and lunch and made us a gazillion cups of tea. He's a keeper! We did manage to watch the NZ womens hockey team win a game against America at the Olympics which was quite exciting.
Then it was off to the airport and back to Christchurch.
And a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to a very special lady in Warkworth who is turning 21 today again again again again again....... Happy birthday Mum! I hope your day was as lovely as you are. xx
Thursday, July 26, 2012
LIVE! On location at Roxy Inn
I am currently house/cat sitting at Roxy Inn while Claire and Scott are on their belated honeymoon to Port Douglas, Australia. I am hoping it is slightly warmer for them there than it has been here. I'm enjoying spending quality time with the cats and having them share the bed with me. They are such good company.
Mum was down in Christchurch for a week at the beginning of the month during school holidays, before jetting off to Queenstown for a few days so see her grandies. It was so nice having her here. We had turns at having dinner at each of our houses so it was a bit like 'Come Dine With Me' but without the scoring at the end. Averil, of course, was on school holidays as well so was able to keep Mum entertained during the days which was nice.
On the Saturday we went out to the Raspberry Cafe in Tai Tapu with Scott's Mum, Dad, and Nana for lunch. It was great. Good company, good food, good setting.
As usual it was over all too quickly. But it sounds like Mum had a great time in Queenstown.

I've had quite a few cancellations this month with Intimo parties which has been a shame. There is a nasty flu going around down here and apparently 60% of Christchurch had it a few weeks ago. The hospitals are over flowing and having to send people to other medical institutions to be looked after. I guess it's to be expected around this time of year but the bugs seem to get stronger each year.
I have been asked to partake in a fundraiser tomorrow evening for Springfield School (not the same one as Bart & Lisa go to) so hopefully that might make up for the lost parties. Fingers crossed we get lots of bookings for August and maybe even some sales too.
Saturday is Averil and Eru's moving day. How very exciting!! They are hiring a truck this time to hopefully move all the big stuff in one trip. It should be all done in a few hours. Apologies for getting the suburb wrong in the last update. They are moving to Wainoni. Translation from Maori is 'wet bum'. Ha ha. Best original joke wins a year's free subscription to The Roxy Review!
Cousin Alex has been a bit of a super star of late. He left NZ last Sunday to go and try his luck at trialing for soccer in Poland. Just from his status updates on Facebook it sounds like it has been hard work and, I imagine, a LOT of sign language. Going over to warmer weather would have been a nice break though I am sure. He has travelled with his friend, Jesse, and they had to move from the first place they were assigned due to drug dealers. Sounds like they have a much nicer place now.
I had a little op done on my leg on Wednesday. I had been burnt by a hot water bottle when I was living in Edinburgh and the scar had healed into a wart-like bump on the front middle of my ankle. I HATED it and it would turn purple when the weather was cold. So I had it removed. Now I have a big long scar to replace it! It's early days so I am hoping it will heal nicely. A bit sore though. Luckily I had the cats to look after me post surgery.
The doctor who did the procedure is a plastic surgeon and specialises in breast augmentation. Renee, being a super nurse, had said that he was a real perfectionist and is VERY particular with his work. So that made me feel better - as long as I didn't end up with a breast on my leg!
So, you may or may not remember 2 years ago I was doing Weight Watchers and did ok losing 12 kilos. Then I went for a jaunt overseas and discovered gelato in Italy (Mmmmmm), then I came home and there were earthquakes. My way of dealing with said earthquakes was to sit in bed and eat chocolate for 8 months. SO, understandably the Weight Watchers went out the window and the WEIGHT piled on. Booooo!
It's time to start again and do something about it. Getting up off the couch was the hardest thing but I did it and have been on Optifast for 2 weeks with a total weight loss of 6kilos. Happy dance. Optifast is monitored through my doctors surgery and I go in once a week for weighing, ketone testing (to see how well my fat is burning up), and a blood pressure check. I have two Optifast shakes a day - one for breakfast and one for lunch, and two cups of non-starchy veges for dinner with 1T of olive oil. AND at least two litres of water. It is hard going but I am motivated by the results on the scales.
I have two dresses to choose from for Kathryn's wedding of which neither fits just now. The wedding is in November so gives me plenty of time. I WILL wear one of them!
The great thing about blogspot is that you can see what countries your audience is from. Yesterday I had 17 views from Latvia. Where? I had to look it up. This is what I found:
Latvia i/ˈlætviə/ (Latvian: Latvija), officially the Republic of Latvia (Latvian: Latvijas Republika), is a country in the Baltic region of Northern Europe. It is bordered to the north by Estonia (border length 343 km), to the south by Lithuania (588 km), to the east by the Russian Federation (276 km), to the southeast by Belarus (141 km),[8] and shares maritime borders to the west with Sweden. With 2,070,371 inhabitants[5] and a territory of 64,589 km2 (24,938 sq mi)[9] it is one of the least populous and least densely populated countries of the European Union. The capital of Latvia is Riga. The official language is Latvian and the currency is called Lats (Ls).
So there you go - The Roxy Review goes to Latvia!
Mum was down in Christchurch for a week at the beginning of the month during school holidays, before jetting off to Queenstown for a few days so see her grandies. It was so nice having her here. We had turns at having dinner at each of our houses so it was a bit like 'Come Dine With Me' but without the scoring at the end. Averil, of course, was on school holidays as well so was able to keep Mum entertained during the days which was nice.
On the Saturday we went out to the Raspberry Cafe in Tai Tapu with Scott's Mum, Dad, and Nana for lunch. It was great. Good company, good food, good setting.
As usual it was over all too quickly. But it sounds like Mum had a great time in Queenstown.

I've had quite a few cancellations this month with Intimo parties which has been a shame. There is a nasty flu going around down here and apparently 60% of Christchurch had it a few weeks ago. The hospitals are over flowing and having to send people to other medical institutions to be looked after. I guess it's to be expected around this time of year but the bugs seem to get stronger each year.
I have been asked to partake in a fundraiser tomorrow evening for Springfield School (not the same one as Bart & Lisa go to) so hopefully that might make up for the lost parties. Fingers crossed we get lots of bookings for August and maybe even some sales too.
Saturday is Averil and Eru's moving day. How very exciting!! They are hiring a truck this time to hopefully move all the big stuff in one trip. It should be all done in a few hours. Apologies for getting the suburb wrong in the last update. They are moving to Wainoni. Translation from Maori is 'wet bum'. Ha ha. Best original joke wins a year's free subscription to The Roxy Review!
Cousin Alex has been a bit of a super star of late. He left NZ last Sunday to go and try his luck at trialing for soccer in Poland. Just from his status updates on Facebook it sounds like it has been hard work and, I imagine, a LOT of sign language. Going over to warmer weather would have been a nice break though I am sure. He has travelled with his friend, Jesse, and they had to move from the first place they were assigned due to drug dealers. Sounds like they have a much nicer place now.
I had a little op done on my leg on Wednesday. I had been burnt by a hot water bottle when I was living in Edinburgh and the scar had healed into a wart-like bump on the front middle of my ankle. I HATED it and it would turn purple when the weather was cold. So I had it removed. Now I have a big long scar to replace it! It's early days so I am hoping it will heal nicely. A bit sore though. Luckily I had the cats to look after me post surgery.
The doctor who did the procedure is a plastic surgeon and specialises in breast augmentation. Renee, being a super nurse, had said that he was a real perfectionist and is VERY particular with his work. So that made me feel better - as long as I didn't end up with a breast on my leg!
So, you may or may not remember 2 years ago I was doing Weight Watchers and did ok losing 12 kilos. Then I went for a jaunt overseas and discovered gelato in Italy (Mmmmmm), then I came home and there were earthquakes. My way of dealing with said earthquakes was to sit in bed and eat chocolate for 8 months. SO, understandably the Weight Watchers went out the window and the WEIGHT piled on. Booooo!
It's time to start again and do something about it. Getting up off the couch was the hardest thing but I did it and have been on Optifast for 2 weeks with a total weight loss of 6kilos. Happy dance. Optifast is monitored through my doctors surgery and I go in once a week for weighing, ketone testing (to see how well my fat is burning up), and a blood pressure check. I have two Optifast shakes a day - one for breakfast and one for lunch, and two cups of non-starchy veges for dinner with 1T of olive oil. AND at least two litres of water. It is hard going but I am motivated by the results on the scales.
I have two dresses to choose from for Kathryn's wedding of which neither fits just now. The wedding is in November so gives me plenty of time. I WILL wear one of them!
The great thing about blogspot is that you can see what countries your audience is from. Yesterday I had 17 views from Latvia. Where? I had to look it up. This is what I found:
Latvia i/ˈlætviə/ (Latvian: Latvija), officially the Republic of Latvia (Latvian: Latvijas Republika), is a country in the Baltic region of Northern Europe. It is bordered to the north by Estonia (border length 343 km), to the south by Lithuania (588 km), to the east by the Russian Federation (276 km), to the southeast by Belarus (141 km),[8] and shares maritime borders to the west with Sweden. With 2,070,371 inhabitants[5] and a territory of 64,589 km2 (24,938 sq mi)[9] it is one of the least populous and least densely populated countries of the European Union. The capital of Latvia is Riga. The official language is Latvian and the currency is called Lats (Ls).
So there you go - The Roxy Review goes to Latvia!
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