Age: 32
Week Number: 26
Due Date: 20th November
Baby Size: 20-something centimetres in length
Morning Sickness: None
Movement: Lots! Particularly at night and in the morning when still in bed
Symptoms: Sore legs, sore feet. Nearly has an outie! (belly button)
Diet: Remembering to eat little and often as there isn't much room for food in there
Weight gain: 8kgs
Cravings: Chocolate milkshakes and milk drinks
Exercise: None - just getting through the day is enough!
Sleep: Pretty disturbed with toilet time
Milestones: Having scans in 3D and getting a photo was awesome!
Can't live without: Stretchy waisted maternity jeans - everyone should have some!
What you miss: Ham sandwiches
What you're looking forward to: Ham sandwiches! Oh, and meeting baby, and finding out his/her sex.
Best Pregnancy Advice: Listen to your body - rest when you need to. Don't worry about what the books say they can be scary!
Any Mood Swings: NO!!! WHY!!!! Shut up!!!!! Emotional sometimes before 15 weeks
Work: The more sleep the night before the better

During your 26th week of pregnancy, your baby-to-be opens her eyes for the first time. She'll open and shut her eyes as she gets used to her new ability. Your little one is still on the small side. Her body may look fully formed on the outside, but inside there's fine-tuning taking place, including her lungs and her brain. Your unborn baby still has some growing to do!