Sunday, November 30, 2014

A Cheeky Wee Roadie

Averil and I packed up our troubles in our old kit bags and headed to Queenstown for the long weekend a few weeks ago. It had been a whole year since we were last there!  So Friday morning I picked up Averil nice and early and we hit the road just after 7.30am - hoping to make it in time for Annabelle's school assembly at 2.15pm.  The drive was great.  Averil had prepared 6 hours of stories and chat to keep us entertained as the CD player in my car was not ejecting the current CD but was still playing it - which would get very boring very quickly.  And the radio only works until Ashburton and then gets static. It was a beautiful day for a drive. 
We managed to make it to Queenstown, and to St Joseph's School with 10 minutes to spare.  Annabelle's class sang a few songs and Annabelle got an award for 'Getting Things Done Quickly'.  I was so proud I clapped... no one else did.

Then we got a tour of Annabelle's class (by the award winning student herself) before heading home for some afternoon tea. 

Saturday morning we went with Annabelle to her ballet class.  She decided to just watch this time and perhaps join in the following week.  Aunty Apes and I both decided that all the things the other little girls in the class were doing Annabelle could easily do.  So hopefully she did join in the next time.

Saturday afternoon was a bit chilly (for us Northern folk, at least) and drizzly so we watched The Sound Of Music - the sing-a-long edition.  Annabelle knows all the words.  And everyone knows how I like a good sing-song! Hazel fell asleep within the first 30 minutes.  Just like Grandad.  And apparently Mummy.  Poppy watched a little bit and then did her own thing.  We also realised how similar looking Hazel and Gretl von Trapp are!

Then we made pizzas for dinner.  Yum yum!

Gavin was busy all day Saturday working on the new deck (which I got no photos of sorry!) and it is looking great!
As always the weekend went far too quickly but was lots of fun.  Those wee girls are not so wee anymore and are growing into, beautiful, independent little people.  Such a joy to be around. 
So after lots of drawing, reading, and cuddles we headed off just after 9am on Sunday morning to head back to Christchurch.  Another stunning day for a drive.  And 6 more hours of chit chat for me and Averil!  I think if one of the catagories at quiz night was 'Things About Averil' we would definitely win.

Thanks Southern Barts for another great weekend!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Happy Birthday To My Best Big Boy

Today is a very special day!  The cutest big boy in Christchurch turns 2 years old!  How did that happen?  Time certainly flies when you're having fun!!  Congratulations to Mummy (Claire) and Daddy (Scott) for being fabulous parents and creating this loving, funny, mischievous, clever, beautiful, little man.  He fills my heart with such joy and is an absolute pleasure to be around. 

We had a little party at home for him on Saturday with family which was fantastic.  If you don't already know, Quinn has a slight fixation with horses (neigh neighs).  He was very spoilt on Saturday and got some NEW neigh neighs as his original favourite has only 4 half legs - very much loved.  It was a great afternoon and Quinn was a trooper.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

40 And A Half

I've been 40 for 6 months now and feel like I've been set up. In that 6 months I have come up with a list of things that nobody warned me about. I guess it's my duty to forewarn those who are yet to reach this milestone so you can go in with your eyes WIDE open.
Here goes - some are good and some not so good

1  Hair dye needs to be applied more frequently
2  I need to use spot control AND wrinkle cream
3  When people say 'middle aged' they might mean me
4  I can't wear sequins for fear of looking like a sparkly mutton dressed as lamb
5  Waking up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet (at least I'm waking up!)
6  Always so tired
7  Wishing I had taken naked photos of myself when I was 25
8  Sitting in a waiting room I reach for Home & Garden magazines rather than Cosmopolitan
9  Realising I'm probably never going to be a Solid Gold Dancer
10  Going out without make up on is a crime against humanity
11  The 'me' in my head is like a foxy younger sister of the 'me' in the mirror
12  I choose comfort over style... always
13  Have finally realised that life is NOT like an 80's movie
14  Other than the royals and the Kardashian's I don't recognise anyone in the tabloids
15  Ages 31-39 feels like one year.  I'm scared I'll blink and be 180!
16  The 'Real Housewives' are the same age as me
17  I still think 20 something year old guys are hot... and they're like 'Mum?'
18  I get a hangover just looking at alcohol
19  And hangovers last for 2 days
20  The next milestone birthday is 50
21  I walk into a room and forget what I went in there for, only to remember as soon as I return to my starting point
22  I've given up believing that I will one day get into a size 10
23  No tolerance for teenagers
24  If I bought a turtle it might out live me
25  EVERYTHING has to be written down
26  Tea is my drink of choice
27  I'm half way to 80!  HALF WAY!!
28  I've finally learnt to say no and not feel bad about it (this is awesome)
29  My metabolism died with my 30's
30  The state of the planet makes me furious
31  People ask me for advice - and I feel able to give it
32  Meeting new friends and then realising I'm the same age as their parents
33  Hearing about school friends becoming GRANDPARENTS
34  Dating website match criteria age is now 40-50 (but they look 50-60!)
35  Being older than ALL the All Blacks
36  Sitting on the couch has become preferable to basically every other activity in life
37  I don't worry so much about things I have no control over
38  Spontaneous girls nights out have to carefully planned weeks in advance
39  The people in my life are there because I want them to be (this is a good thing)
40  Not getting asked for ID every time I buy wine at the supermarket (this is both good and bad)

Saturday, September 27, 2014

I'm Baaaaaack!

Forgive me readers for I have sinned. It has been 16 MONTHS since my last blog update.  And in that time I have.....

Big apologies for the massive delay in updating.  Thanks for all your prompts to keep writing (Mum).  So, over a year has passed. Bare with me and I will cast my mind back to find the best bits to report. Possibly in an abridged form.

Right, let's see. Let's start with the Southern Barts.  Annabelle turned 5 in January and started school.  She's such a big girl now.  She sounds like she is enjoying it and even catches the bus there some days. She is riding her bike now WITHOUT training wheels.

Hazel is a big 3 year old now and is such a good big sister to Poppy.  She has moved over to the big room at Montessori Preschool and is doing really well. I love her cuddles and she is always a real character.
Poppy is GORGEOUS!  She has grown so much and is walking, or should I say RUNNING around to catch up to her big sisters. 

The SB's went on a holiday last year to the UK - the first time the girls had been there.  Lots of catching up with Grandad Bob, Nana Sue, and Grannie Annie, as well as the girls cousins, and meeting new people.  Gavin flew back home after 4 weeks (I think that's right?) and Catkin and the girls stayed on for longer.  Gavin and Catkin are doing a fab job of raising their 3 gorgeous girls.  Gavin had shoulder surgery in August and is recovering well.

The Lethaby's are doing well and, in exciting news, are expecting a little addition to the family in February.  Exciting!!  Quinn turned 1 last November and will be a brilliant big brother.  He is a cool wee guy and makes me laugh every time I see him.  Claire is back at work for 3 days a week and is able to take Quinn with her - he is in the nursery and she is in the preschool, which works perfectly.  Scott is busy with his own Farrier business and is doing really well. 

The Metcalfe's (or as I like to call them, the Metty's) are busy and well.  They have taken on a foster pup, Lulu, who has slotted into their family nicely with their two older dogs, Hippo and Tank.  Averil is a top notch teacher who works hard to do the best for her class and Eru is studying and working part time. 

The Mama's and The Papa's haven't yet migrated to the South Island!  Both have turned 65 this year (sorry Mum, I mean 21!) and are still working hard.  They had a lovely mid-year holiday to Norfolk Island in July this year and thoroughly enjoyed it.  Mum is still enjoying work, although I personally think her favourite job is being a Nana.  And she is soooo good at it!

The Clouston's are still in Auckland and have just adopted two fur babies.  Mouse and Scrappy are their two little kittens.  Bless.  Moos (aka Alan) resigned from Barter Card and is setting up his own business and Kitty (aka Kathryn) is working hard in marketing.  Always nice to see them when I go North!

 And then there was one.  I have had a bit of a roller coaster year (FYI I am NOT a fan of roller coasters!).  I resigned from my job at Carter Holt Harvey after 8 years.  It wasn't a particularly nice situation but one of the managers was a complete 'twit' (this is the word Mum used to describe him, I'm not inclined to be so polite and use words that rhyme with banker, stick, and trucker!) and in my view was a bully and made it almost unbearable to stay.  So, with my head held high, I left at the end of January for pastures unknown.  I took 3 weeks to put myself back together and started working part time as a merchandiser for Wattie's in February, which I'm really enjoying.  The mornings are early starts but I get to finish early which I love as I get more time for me.  I am also still doing Intimo which has been going alright but there is ALWAYS room for improvement, and I have just become a marriage and civil union celebrant.  Exciting!  My first firm booking is on January 3rd.  Eek!
I also turned the ripe old age of 40 (still a little hard to say out loud) in April and decided to celebrate with a shindig.  It was fantastic!  Lots of fun and people really made an effort to come which I was very humbled by. 

I took a holiday in June to Rarotonga - if you haven't been and are looking for a real 'Island Holiday' I can highly recommend it.  All we did was sleep, eat, drink, swim, and sit in the sun.  Eight days of bliss!

In other, not so nice news, our dear Uncle Bryan (Mum's oldest brother) passed away on August 3rd of this year.  Such a gentle, kind man who will be sorely missed.  Averil and I flew up for the funeral, as did the Southern Barts.  So although the circumstances weren't very nice, it was lovely to see and catch up with family.

So now you are up to date.  You're welcome!