Along with all that we also had our dear friend Renee McInnes home for 3 weeks from the UK to surprise everyone (except me and her Mum who were in on it).
A group of us went to the Lone Star for dinner on Friday night. Lance came too so got to meet some of the family. I think Kathryn & Moos just got eyes for Christmas as they seemed to be staring at us ALL night. Take a photo... actually I think they did.
Kathryn and Moos came down for one night only on the 24th before heading to Queenstown the following day to FINALLY meet Annabelle. They have added photos on Facebook and Annabelle looks more grown up than last time I saw her which was 2 weeks previous. They grow up so fast, don't they!! Still a little button though and I still want to eat her up!
Claire has taken a weeks holiday from work this week. She has had her head down/bum up doing an assignment for the papers she is doing to gain her Degree. Very busy indeed but seems to be all on track.
We lost 2 netball players from our team a few weeks back. Not really sad days to be honest. The male of the two had a terrible attitude on court and gave one of his own team mates a black eye - apparently accidently - and argued with the ref a LOT. The female is his wife so, as sad as it was to see her go, she was being loyal to her husband. We have found replacements and have been enjoying fun games again without the embarrasment of a gobby, shoulder barging player.
We finally got the outside windows painted and finished to match the lovely newly painted house. We employed Mac & Co (Eion McInnes and his brother-in-law Kev) to do the work for us. It basically took them 3 days but there were a few wet days in between which meant they couldn't work so they finished it off this week. They even gave the garage doors a fresh coat of dark green paint and they look GOOD! It should hold them together for another year or so.
I finally finished my stone carving on Monday night. Phew!! I'm very pleased with the finished product and now have to find a sunny spot in the garden for it..... and keep the area weeded so I can see it!

The MOST exciting thing is that Lynnie and I walked up the hill on Sunday - all the way to the Sign Of The Takahe and back. Phew!! An hour and a half round trip but it was well worth it. I was so proud of us both. I can now check that off my list of '50 things to do before I'm 50'.
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